Where would your business be if not for your customers? That’s fairly heavy though, isn’t it? Because if your customers were all to just, up and leave because they were unsatisfied by what you have to offer, you would have to close down in just a matter of several days. The diagram below shows why you should improve your customer service.

Therefore, it would be safe to assume that customer service isn’t simply an expensive and time-consuming investment. It is a strategic marketing investment too if you really want it to be. A big part of this comes from putting together a customer service strategy for your organisation. Many factors will help to this end. Here are some ways in which you can create a good customer service strategy for your business.
Train your team
One of the main ways in which you can establish a good customer service strategy would be to train your team. In completing such training your employees will learn about best practices in customer service and in general, ways in which they can provide commendable service to the customer. This is never a one-off training. Rather, it will have to be an ongoing process of growth throughout an agent’s time, working in the industry. It will help them test competencies and also identify areas that need to develop over time.
A better knowledge of the brand persona
Your marketing team can easily spend weeks and months researching the brand persona. But, they can actually shorten this time by simply speaking with the support teams. This is why it is essential to maintain a good level of collaboration between the marketing and support teams. The support agents will have a clear knowledge of what the customers’ interests, requirements, and pain points are. All you then need to do is work on this data. It will also be much easier for your marketing team to attract the right customers if they the brand persona well. They will automatically know how to create the right product offers, include the correct product improvements, and map out the right content too.

Create a customer journey map
A customer journey map is an important part of a competent customer service strategy. Today’s consumers interact with many brands and therefore are more intelligent in their purchasing decisions. Approaching customer service from their point of view is important. A customer journey map is a visual or graphical representation of the entire process that a consumer goes through when they perform a transaction with your business. For example, in a restaurant, a customer journey map can explain the journey of the customer from first visiting your eatery, to leaving it, and say, why they chose to move out. The diagram below shows a sample customer journey map.

(Source: https://www.ngdata.com/how-to-create-a-customer-journey-map/ )
Develop a better communication strategy
Consumers today are vocal and they will post reviews and comments on your social media pages too. Therefore, sometimes, depending upon what their comments are like, they could go well or not so well for your business. But even if you receive a highly negative comment, you should be able to respond to it professionally and factually and with courtesy and humility. A customer will always believe another customer over a brand and if the person in charge of your social media cannot handle complaints and negative remarks intelligently, your business may just as well be boycotted by your audience.

Give your customers an efficient method to provide feedback
All of us are busy most of the time so it would be unfair, to think that a customer would have time to fill up a long questionnaire about your products and services. The best customer service that you can give a customer is to offer them an efficient method of providing you with feedback immediately before they leave your business after shopping. This way, improvement will be a continuous process for your organisation and it will also instil a culture of constantly looking to improve and grow in your team as well. It may even be able to give you foresight as opposed to hindsight in your future marketing objectives.

Do you think you can now create a good customer service strategy for your business? Let us know. Want to learn more or train your staff? You can contact us at support@study365.co.uk for more information.
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